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Nutrition in the first 1000 days of life
For optimum health, growth and development

Helping babies get the best possible start in life, as well as supporting mothers during their child’s first 1000 days of life, has been our underlying motivation over the last 150 years. We’ve embraced this mission since 1867, when our founder Henri Nestlé first developed his farine lactée infant food, saving the life of a child who could not be breastfed.
It is a given that the nutrition mothers and babies receive during a child’s early days has a crucial impact on their growth and development.
From conception to pregnancy and up to a child’s second birthday, the first 1000 days of life offer a unique window of opportunity to shape a healthier and more prosperous future for our children.
It is also, however, the most vulnerable period of any child’s life. This is why Henri Nestlé made a breakthrough in infant nutrition knowledge more than 150 years ago, and it still motivates us to support the best possible nutrition for mothers and babies today.
Around 155 million children worldwide still suffer from stunting (have a low height for their age), 52 million are wasted (have a low weight for their height), and 41 million are overweight. Studies also show that anemia affects 52% of pregnant women worldwide due to poor diet, which is also one of the leading causes of this disease in infants and young children.
Millions of babies do not receive the nutrition they need for their optimal growth and development. We feel we can make a positive difference throughout the first 1000 days of life. Find out more below about how we support mothers and babies in this delicate timeframe.
Pregnancy and maternal nutrition We support mothers during their pregnancy with nutritious complements to their dietsRead More -
Our commitment to supporting breastfeeding We actively promote, protect, and support exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months as the ideal nutrition for babiesRead More -
Infant Formula When breastfeeding is not possible, we offer infant formulas, which are safe breast milk substitutes. We market our products in a responsible and ethical way.Read More -
Complementary Feeding We manufacture nutritious complementary foods to meet the nutritional requirements of growing babies after 6 months age when breastmilk alone is not sufficient.Read More
For Nestlé, nurturing future generations is not just about making products. We firmly believe that we can contribute to a healthier future by being part of the solution to help mothers and babies get the optimal nutrition.
That’s why we also give millions of mothers and caregivers worldwide the knowledge and skills they need to make the right nutrition choices for themselves and their babies. We use images and videos showing mothers what to eat during pregnancy, breastfeeding tips, and information on how and when to introduce weaning foods.
However, tackling malnutrition and securing a healthy future for mothers and children worldwide requires a collective, collaborative effort.
Teaming with global or local partners from civil society, governments or the private sector, we can contribute to solving this issue by creating a conducive environment for mothers to breastfeed, and promote healthy diets for them and their children.
By doing so we can have a large-scale, positive impact on the health of future generations.
We believe in the power of food to enhance life. As one of the providers of nutritious offerings, we feel privileged to accompany millions of families all over the world on this journey and to fulfil our purpose.
We are ready to take a leading role to achieve this and we welcome opportunities to work with others to make this happen.