At Nestlé Philippines, we implement the nutrition, health, and wellness principles and practices of Nestlé that are observed worldwide, in full compliance with and support for international standards and guidelines, and local laws and regulations. We adhere to nutritional composition and labeling requirements in fulfilling our commitment to bring safe, high-quality, and nutritious products to Filipino families.
Do you have double standards on added sugar in milk for young children, baby foods, and infant cereals?
Nestlé has a consistent approach to nutrition for all babies everywhere. We maintain high nutrition standards in every country where we offer early childhood food. Our range of infant cereals in Europe comes with and without added sugar. The same applies to several markets in Asia, Latin America, and North America, where no-added sugar options are available. Therefore, Nestlé does not have double standards for added sugar in infant cereals between the West and various other markets.
Our infant cereals in the Philippines have variants without and with added sugar. Both types of variants meet the strictest product standards as required by existing local laws and regulations. Added sugar is well below the limits set by the Codex Alimentarius (a Food Standards Commission established by the WHO and FAO) used as a reference globally. We are currently expanding the range of cereals with no added sugar
What is Nestlé doing to reduce sugar levels in infant food?
All our formulas for infants below 12 months and growing up milk products for children aged between 1 and 5+ years do not contain added sugar. Our baby food in the market, Gerber, has no added sugar.
Our infant cereals have variants without and with added sugar. Both types of variants meet the strictest product standards as required by existing local laws and regulations. Added sugar is well below the limits set by the Codex Alimentarius (a Food Standards Commission established by the WHO and FAO) used as a reference globally. We are currently expanding our range of cereals with no added sugar.
Over the years, we have been reducing sugar in our products. We continuously innovate and reformulate our products as food and related fields of science evolve, with special attention to reducing sugar and other ingredients, including in products for infants and young children.
Based on the report, a single serving of Cerelac contains as much as 2 sugar cubes. Is this true?
It is important to distinguish between added and total sugars in our products. Sugars in our cereals come from different sources, depending on the recipe involved:
- In a complete recipe containing milk, total sugars include the lactose naturally present in milk which accounts for around 60% of the total sugars.
- Some sugars, naturally present in cereals, are released during manufacturing.
- Some sugars can also come from ingredients we add, such as fruit puree, pieces of fruit, sucrose, or honey, which are used to add flavor and texture.
These factors apply across the entire industry.
The total level of sugars in our products, including those generated during the manufacturing process and those added, are in line with local regulations and/or international standards as applicable.
How is the Philippine market different from other countries in terms of portfolio and access to products?
The range of Nestlé products for infants and young children may vary across different markets globally. Variations stem from factors such as the availability of local ingredients like grains, fruits, and vegetables, as well as local food cultures and preferences, consumer trends, and the competitive landscape.
Between the Philippines and the West, in terms of portfolio and access to products, the main difference would be the flavor variants being sold. For example, the main infant cereal offerings in the Philippines (Wheat & Banana, and Rice & Soya) are not common in Western countries. Like several other Asian countries, we also have a savory cereals range that is not available in the West.
The Nestlé infant cereals in Europe come with and without added sugar. The same applies to several markets in Asia, Latin America, and North America, where no-added sugar options are available.
Our infant cereals in the Philippines have variants without and with added sugar. Both types of variants meet the strictest product standards as required by existing local laws and regulations. Added sugar content is well below the limits set by the Codex Alimentarius (a Food Standards Commission established by the WHO and FAO) used as a reference globally. We are currently expanding the range of cereals with no added sugar
Do you comply with laws and regulations, including sugar threshold for infant cereals?
We fully comply with and support international standards and guidelines, and local laws and regulations. We adhere to nutritional composition and labeling requirements in fulfilling our commitment to bring safe, nutritious, and tasty products to Filipino families.
Added sugar is well below the limits set by the Codex Alimentarius (a Food Standards Commission established by the WHO and FAO) used as a reference globally.
Further, we continuously innovate and reformulate our products as food and related fields of science evolve, with special attention to reducing sugar and other ingredients, including in products for infants and young children.