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Philippines pre-boarding portal

Welcome to Nestlé Philippines!

To be successful here in Nestlé Philippines you have to keep our three main values in mind: family, health and respect. When we say Family, we mean not only your family at Nestlé, your team, but also your family at home. We offer our employees good working conditions and help them to stay safe, healthy and engaged are top priorities. Therefore, we support a flexible work environment. This means employees and their managers can agree on when, where and how employees work, in order to better balance personal needs and business requirements.

Furthermore, we encourage our employees to take part in a variety of wellness activities at work, such as elastic band training, power walk and mindfulness.

Respect is our third and main core value: respect for your team and for the iconic brand you are working for. At Nestlé you will find an inclusive environment where you will be encouraged to express all your potential and to be a force for good with your team. Only by respecting each other’s ideas and values, you’ll be able to succeed.

In order to support your integration process, we have prepared the below content that can be reviewed at any time before your day 1.

If you have any question, please reach out to us!

Your HR Team

Watch the Welcome message from:

Mark Schneider, our CEO

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