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Experience the refreshing and balanced taste of NESTEA® Iced Tea

Filipinos prefer NESTEA® as their pick-me-up iced tea drink, which they enjoy with meals such as breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It’s also the beverage of choice for afternoon snacks and an excellent thirst quencher on hot summer days!

Explore NESTEA® Instant Tea Mixes, delivering instant, soluble goodness in sweetened and unsweetened options, with a variety of flavors, including lemon, apple, cranberry and honey blends. For those on the move, savor NESTEA® Ready-to-Drink Tea in your preferred flavors and exciting limited edition blends, available in both apple and lemon flavors.

Nestea Pasarapin ang Kainan

 NESTEA® Iced Tea for a refreshing break on hot days