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Moms have many ways to say "I Love You". Investing in Total Expert Protection and age appropriate milk is one of them.

NIDO® 3+5+ knows that your love is in everything you do. We support all moms in nurturing a healthy future for their kids. From toddlerhood to school-age, your child will increasingly become more independent and fearless as they explore and discover new things and complete new tasks and projects. They get more exposed to the world, so they need age-appropriate protection. NIDO® 3+ & 5+ are specially designed by experts with a unique blend of nutrients to give age-appropriate nutrition your toddler needs, together with proper diet and exercise. With up to 1 BILLION Probiotics (L.Rhamnosus) per glass*, which may help support defense of upper respiratory tract. Plus, 50% more DHA for NIDO® 3+ and 38% more DHA for NIDO® 5+ (vs. previous recipe) to support brain development. And no added sucrose (table sugar).

Disclaimer: NIDO® 3+ and 5+ are not suitable for infant feeding and are not breastmilk substitutes.
1 glass = 38g of milk powder + 210ml water. 

kid drinking nido milk
heart nido

Choose NIDO® for Age-Appropriate Nutrition for Toddlers and School-Age kids